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Nine artists who are deep down Mama’s Boys

Despite a hard core image (think smashing guitars, hardened hearts, harsh words and barroom brawls), these artists are actually deep down Mama’s Boys and not afraid to share it. George Sand summed it up perfectly with this mother-son love quote: "Only a mother’s love can make a man drop to his knees."

Below, in celebration of mother’s around the world, is a snippet of those moments of sweetness, when for a brief moment, the hearts of these famous tough-guys melt for mama! And while you might not be a guitar-smashing, tattoo-covered musician, singing any of these to Mama, guarantees a standing ovation.

Dear Mama bekannt durch Tupac
Singer, actor and activist Tupac, inherited the music gene from his parents, members of the Black Panthers . His songs were the sounds of the malaise of a generation of African-Americans riddled with poverty and violence. Between his brushes with the law and notorious involvement in gang wars, he led a "thug life " which he even brought to life on the big screen. He devoted himself to a poignant confession in Dear Mama, found on Me Against The World, an album that went double platinum. This long, apologetic monologue, celebrates his mother’s patience and shows his unwavering love for her.

Mama Said bekannt durch Metallica
Metallica puts their electric guitars back in their cases and delivers a stunning acoustic interlude with a slight country twang. James Hetfield admits mistakes made against his mother: "I ​​have never asked anything / but I never gave you anything (...) Mom, now I go home / I am not entirely what you expect of me / love unexpressed a mother for her son."

Mama, I'm Coming Home bekannt durch Ozzy Osbourne
Like Metallica, another pillar of hard rock shatters his stereotype and makes his return to the family. Ozzy Osbourne, the former leader of Black Sabbath, gets in tune with his childish innocence at the age of 43 when he sings "Mama, I'm Coming Home." Osbourne later confessed that the song was written for his wife Sharon and his propensity for being overprotective, but maternal love remains the subject: "Mom, I come back home / I could be right, I could be wrong / it hurts so much , it's been so long."

Mama Kin bekannt durch Aerosmith
Steven Tyler and bandmates write about the power of maternal love for a son who’s sinned. In the song, Steven and the others express remorse for rejecting matriarchal advice: "Keep in touch with Mama Kin / tell her where you’ve gone and been".

Message To My Mother bekannt durch Hank Williams, Sr
It’s thanks to Hank’s mother, Lillie, that the country music world was forever changed. Lillie gave Hank his first guitar at the age of seven. Holding down the fort, Lillie, in the midst of the Great Depression, juggled several jobs to support her family’s needs. The Father of Country, commemorates his beloved mother with the touching Message To My Mother, "Give this message to my mother / it will fill her heart with joy / Tell her I met my savior / God saved her wandering boy."

Other songs of the same taste to karaoke to Mama :

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